IT Horizons Blog

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IT Horizons Blog

We are IT Horizons - an IT company that strives to provide the ultimate solution for all your technology needs. We are blogging to help educate businesses in our community and keep them informed of current trends and opportunities.

It's Time to Stop Taking Chances with Your Business' Data

It's Time to Stop Taking Chances with Your Business' Data

While everyone affected by the Ashley Madison hack is still licking their wounds, I can't help but feel truly sorry for those who fell victim to the Android Stagefright debacle. While it's never nice to find out that an online provider you trusted with your personal information, not to mention your endeavours in adultery, have been released for all the world to see, Android users' data was hacked not because they did anything, but simply because they owned the smartphone.

The Stagefright Hack at a Glance

The hacker sent MMS messages with video and a malware code, and even those who didn't actually click and watch the video were still affected. Here's the kicker: the Hangouts app which automatically processes the video and images sent in MMS messages ensured that the hacker's malware code was ready to start wreaking havoc from the phone's Gallery. Once the message was sent, the hacker could access the phone's data, camera, microphone and even Bluetooth, without the owner knowing. Scary? Ah, I'd say so.

What's most unnerving about this is that it was a blatant violation of privacy, all thanks to the technology that's revolutionized the way we work, play and shop, but also made us super vulnerable to the threats that are always adapting and changing their methods of attack. For anyone with a business operating online in any way, shape or form, this should be a wake-up call - implement the IT security solutions that can and will prevent you from becoming the next Ashley Madison or Android Stagefright!

IT Security Does More than Prevent a Breach

One of the biggest barriers for businesses that want to sell their goods and services online is getting potential customers to trust them. Without trust, no one will buy a product from your site or even pick up the phone to call you for more information, which is why it's on you to ensure you've got the appropriate IT security measures in place. Even though it wasn't Google that stole people's data or Ashley Madison that leaked details about their philandering clients, it was their responsibility to do whatever they could to prevent such breaches from occurring in the first place.

The good news is that there are proven ways to protect your data. At IT Horizons, we customize and strategically combine security solutions to provide business owners with the most robust solution possible, including secure backup, antivirus and anti-spam software with ongoing network monitoring. What's most important is that our security solutions are fully managed, meaning we don't just set and forget the measures we implement, but monitor and manage them on an ongoing basis to ensure they continue to provide the best protection possible.

If all this talk of security breaches has you feeling nervous, it's time you stepped up your IT security game plan. Contact IT Horizons for more information on the security measures that can be put to work for your business now: 1 (844) 747-7258.

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