IT Horizons Blog

IT Horizons is not just your IT go-to team, we are your business partners!

IT Horizons Blog

We are IT Horizons - an IT company that strives to provide the ultimate solution for all your technology needs. We are blogging to help educate businesses in our community and keep them informed of current trends and opportunities.
Angie Saltman

10 Reasons Why Incorporating Data Privacy is A Savvy Business Move


Data privacy might sound like a dry topic, but actually, it's incredibly cool – and crucial – for Canadian businesses and organizations. Here’s why:

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Alex Saltman

Email Phishing - What Information You Should Never Give to Anyone

Have you ever received an email that does not look familiar or looks suspicious? Be wary of it, as it might be malware or any other form of cyber-attack, also commonly known as a phishing attack. If you ever come across any such email, that asks you to log in somewhere, the only logical thing to do is DO NOT LOGIN! The term ‘phishing’ comes from ‘fishing,’ only that in this case the victim is the “phish” and the hacker is the ‘phisherman’. It may (generally) ask you to allow access to an application or attachment sent in the email. And, if you follow the attacker’s instructions whether intentionally or unintentionally, you might get into serious trouble. The hacker can do anything, ranging from something less harmful like installing a simple virus in your system that handicaps certain applications, to attacking your computer with something as dangerous as ransomware. Ransomware...
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